a blog about creating (meaning)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Create! in Chicago

Dreaming in Canvas: A Painted Quilt Workshop

Cloth, Paper, Scissors organized an impressive week-long series of workshops in Chicago, an event they titled, "Create" I attended the all-day Wednesday workshop with Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jamison.   

On Thursday, I attended Melanie Testa's day-long workshop, "Soy Wax Batik With Paint."
See the link below for images and great resources on her website:

Saturday, August 14, 2010


A market in Antigua, Guatemala. The array of colorful, handwoven fabrics--bags, blankets, linens--is amazing.

The hotel courtyard.

The center of town in Antigua, Guatemala.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fabric from a generous Bangalore tailor

The tailor gave us bags and bags of fabric scraps for our sewing projects.

Wanda, a visitor and volunteer, was overwhelmed by the rainbow of silks and cottons.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ganesha's Gardens, Summer of 2010

Ganesha is a skilled, hard-working gardener at Bapagrama School.  Since I last visited in 2006, he had put in several vegetable plots and many colorful flower gardens. The grounds provide a tranquil setting for walking, reading, and meditating.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sewing with School Children in India

In July and August, I returned to India for the third time, and to the Bapagrama School for the second time.  I brought materials to sew with students in Eight, Nine, and Ten Standard (similar to 8th, 9th, and 10th grades in here in the States.

                Students sew dolls at the Bapagrama School, Banaglore, Karnataka. See the link for "Educational Praxis" under "Giving Back" to learn more about the school.

Jeremia helps school boys make dolls.

                                            Sister Ruth sews with the children.